My greatest passion is personal development, which takes on a unique meaning for each of his clients. For some, personal development may mean they want to get stronger to improve at a sport, stay active to keep up with their grandkids, or change their body composition to feel better in their own skin. For others, it may mean learning how to develop new habits to help them sleep better and lower their stress levels, learning to make better choices to prioritize their health, or learning to adjust their lifestyle to help shed excess body fat. 

My focus is providing you with the tools and game plan that you need to reach your unique version of “self-improvement.” Better health is not a destination, it is a journey. I am here to guide you on that journey, helping you make the adjustments you need along the way. Whether you are experienced in the gym, or this is your first time thinking about exercising, I will work with you to create a program that works toward your goals while also considering your unique lifestyle, abilities, and schedule.

I discovered my passion for health and fitness while on my own fitness journey: In 2013 I found myself overweight, unhappy, habitually fatigued, and uncomfortable in my own body. I decided that I needed to make a change and began diving into research, books, blogs, seminars, and more while looking for answers to improve my health. It took time, trial and error, and dedication, but I have reached a point where I am happy, healthy, functional, and strong –  now I want to pass that knowledge on to you. You don’t have to spend your whole life in the gym and counting every calorie; let me show you how to get great results from realistic expectations.”

Greg has been helping clients reach their health and fitness goals for over 8 years, including 3 years on the Central Coast.